These watercolour illustrations build awareness of Common Yukon Birds
Client: Wildlife Viewing Program, Government of Yukon

How it came to life
7” x 9” watercolour illustrations (X4)
Adult males of four species:
Spruce Grouse
Pine Grosbeak
Boreal Chickadee
Common Redpoll
Delivery of web + print files (.PNG and .TIF) + .PDF guide
My goal was to produce accurate illustrations in the style of popular ornithological field guides, such as the Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America.
Hand-made illustrations require multiple rounds of early feedback to reduce changes later in the process. This was achieved with graphite sketches and small colour studies.
Great people
Thanks to the awesome staff at the Government of Yukon Wildlife Viewing program.
Special thanks to Scott Cameron for coordinating approvals between subject matter experts.