These illustrations show geological processes at Nánta Ddhaw (Mt Haldane)
Client: Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon
Thermokarst landscapes

Mineral vein formation

How it came to life
48” x 24” illustrations (X2)
Government of Yukon brand colours + assets
Delivery of web + print files (.PNG and .TIF) + .PDF guide
My goal was to produce accurate and attractive illustrations with access points for as many viewers as possible.
To provide flexibility for the final design, all deliverables were supplied as Individual elements with a .PDF guide (including file name conventions).
Great people
Thanks to the dedicated staff at the Government of Yukon Heritage Resources Branch and Yukon Geological Survey.
Special thanks to Joella Hogan, Leighann Chalykoff, Leyla Weston and Clair Daitch. You made it FUN!
Thanks also to the citizens of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, local residents and the many independent creatives involved in making the Silver Trail Interpretive Plan a reality.